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Allergies and The Elements: How Traditional Chinese Medicine Can help

Sometimes a different way of thinking of things can broaden our understanding of the way things work.  In western medicine, we think of specific allergens that aggravate our allergies, such as pollens, grasses, cat dander.  In Chinese medicine, we look at the elements.  This can be more information for us to reduce our exposure to what aggravates our symptoms and help us make sure we minimize factors contributing to allergies.

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Treating Anxiety – the Natural Way

Anxiety is a very common issue; it is in fact the most common of all mental health disorders and as many as one in four of us will be affected by an anxiety disorder at some point during life. Medication isn’t necessarily the answer, and natural treatment methods like using essential oils for anxiety can be very powerful.

Some anxiety in life is a normal reaction to stress. It is when anxiety is unremitting, not attached to a specific self-limiting circumstance or challenge, or when it impinges on daily quality of life that is becomes a problem.

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Allergy Relief without Pharmaceuticals

It’s that time of year. For some of us it’s spring; others will suffer in other seasons and some poor souls suffer all year long…

Allergies. They can make you feel sick when you’re not, make you feel tired when you should be full of energy. They give you itchy eyes, runny, sneezy noses, irritated throats, and more. They, quite simply, make you feel miserable.

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Helping Ease the Irritation of a Bug Bite

Summertime and bug bites seem to go hand in hand.  I noticed that some people attract more mosquitoes than others and some react to bites more strongly than others.   So while researching on Wikipedia, I found that most mosquitoes prefer type O blood, heavy breathers, those with a lot of skin bacteria, people with a lot of body heat and pregnant women.  And sometimes it’s just a matter of how sweet your sweat is!

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