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Medicine for the Age of Awakening

The Age of Awakening is now, and the medicine of this time is something invisible. The medicine of this age is personal growth and consciousness.  It includes energy healing, gratitude, connection, appreciation, support, generosity, allowance, trust… Only when we miss the problem, delay, or ignore it, do we need the heavier duty medicines, the cumbersome, bulky, costly medicines–the interventions.  This is no judgement–by bulky I mean inconvenient, no fun, interruptive. Who wants to spend their time in the doctor’s office? What I’m calling bulky is impressively refined compared to the dirty knives and stones of the past, but it’s still after-the-fact medicine—cleaning up spills after they happen. We need that, and always will need it because life includes some chaos, mistakes, unpredictability. But we probably only need ¼ of it. 

 The medicine of this age is about the art of living in harmony with life itself. That’s not some cheap word–harmony—it’s a real thing.  There is a way to live in harmony with our environment and the people in it, to live true to our nature, all while evolving in our collective awakening. 


What is living in harmony? Living in flow, not pushing and shoving and jerking and hoarding. Living in harmony is attuning to the wisdom of the place and moment, respecting it, loving it, and  taking the right action in it. We’re not always going to be perfect or graceful, but like an elite athlete, we can become nimble, graceful, dexterous. We respond to what is needed, we pay attention to what is meaningful, and we enjoy this life we’ve been given. 


The medicine of this age is preventative medicine– so it can’t be confined to the rules of measurement–we can’t wait until it’s “proven”  because there is no way to prove what has been prevented—chaos, accidents, emergencies, cancer,  illness, degeneration, stroke, early death. What is preventative medicine?  Preventative medicine is more than just washing our hands or going on a diet– preventative medicine is understanding what it means to live in harmony, and doing it. The result is less suffering, less cost, less chaos, less energy for recovery, less side effects. 


 Think of all the things that can happen, that do happen– car accident, flu on the family vacation, tooth problem, low back injury, high blood sugar, kid gets an ear infection—what if one year you and your family had zero in the realm of health concern?  Can you imagine that?  Maybe you already have it.  What if in the US we had half of all the health/body related problems? Half the asthma, half the antibiotics, half the heart surgeries, half the deaths from cigarette smoking (we now have 480,000 each year in the US), half the car accidents… how would that affect us?  

How would that affect us in cost, suffering, time, fear, all the things?  Don’t worry, there will still be plenty of jobs.


I believe that the medicine of this age is preventative medicine— not a diet— but a consciousness. 

A consciousness about our health, about the way we live, about who we are in this world. I believe that true to this age of awakening, where all things are becoming easy, light, efficient, (think of your smartphone and technology of today and literally compare it to the weight and effort of the middle ages)– that access to vibrant health is mostly simple and free–it’s our consciousness and the choices we make with our consciousness.


So what’s my message to you?  As an acupuncturist, my message to you is to trust your body. Love your body, love your self, and love your life—even if it sucks sometimes.  Be awe-inspired by the great mystery of the infinite, compassionate, wisdom and order of life…and see what effect that has on your health.


Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Healing Arts and Energy Medicine teacher

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