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Fresh Squeezed! The Emotional and Energetics of Allergies and How to Heal Yourself

Fresh Squeezed! Mind, Heart, and Soul Awakening for Allergy Relief Now

Reduce your seasonal, hay fever, or pet allergies by up to 50% with a simple attitude adjustment…

Join me in this on-demand 1 ½ hour long workshop plus bonus self healing meditations.

What if you could cut your suffering in half without any other changes in diet or lifestyle?

In Fresh Squeezed! we work to eliminate unnecessary suffering—in both body (allergies) AND spirit (emotions, relationships, and well-being).  It wouldn’t be right to live the rest of your life suffering with the same allergies, mustering up willpower for extreme diets, or making huge lifestyle changes just for a minimal amount of relief without also addressing the inner workings of the body and immune function. With this simple process, you may start to notice changes within the first day, reduce suffering by up to 50% over the next month, and have lasting change as a result.

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“This workshop was so wonderful. I continue to listen to the meditation and it makes my blood pressure go down.”
Maria F.

What does it mean to Bust Free?

Do you ever feel like your brain is a jar of butter–thick, heavy and foggy that nothing can move through?

I actually was not aware of these walls until they started coming down–and I realized that the walls of inflammation and mucus were connected to very subtle internal emotional and behavior walls.

  • Do you ever feel like you’re talking to someone from behind a wall– a wall of puffy eyes and nose, or a wall of inflammation and mucous?
  • Do you ever feel like you can’t be the full vibrant natural you because you have a thick blanket of discomfort and itchiness over your head? Like you just can’t be  on your A Game, or like a nerd all stuffed up with a blunted out voice?
  • Do you ever feel  less attractive  or less confident because of your allergies? Like you can’t present as well at a party, job interview, public speaking event, or first date?   Or like people are looking at you like you’re a walking disease?
  • Do you ever feel like your brain is a jar of butter–thick, heavy and foggy that nothing can move through?

What if there was a way to eliminate a portion of the problem with some simple mental restructuring and emotional clearing?

Without anything fancy, invasive, expensive, time consuming, dangerous, or detrimental to your health and well being?

What if there was a way to get some physical allergy relief  while also feeling more peaceful, alive, and naturally living into a better version of your true self?

I created Fresh Squeezed!  because of what happened to me over 20 years ago without any plan or intention.   I come from a family with severe allergies, eczema, and asthma, and I had been severely allergic to cats all my life.  In addition, I was always stuffed up and had hay fever most of the time. I was really shy and didn’t realize that it felt like I had been living behind thick walls until they came down.

What happened was that one day I realized that I was spontaneously no longer allergic to cats.  All of a sudden, I was miraculously able to live with a cat for the next 10 years, went on to live with a bird and dog,  and my seasonal and hay fever reduced by 50% (actually more but I also took herbs and did some healing work).

I attribute the sudden change of no longer being allergic to cats to an attitude adjustment– a change in my perception of the world.  The shift happened to me as a result of hanging out with a new friend who had an outlook on life that was much freer than the one I had.

Over the next 18 years of working with people in my acupuncture practice, I realized that there are  3 main personality patterns that directly relate to the physical symptoms of allergies AND that these patterns can be easily re-coded for health, happiness, and fewer allergy symptoms.

I created Fresh Squeezed!  because I believe everyone who has allergies should know about this and be able to benefit from it if they so choose.

Because allergies are not a terminal illness, because there is no cure, and because they are complex and there is no real explanation for why one person has allergies and the next person doesn’t, we sort of dismiss them—- we can’t figure them out, so we shove them off, take meds, and don’t really think about it much more than that, other than accept the unresolvable diagnosis and suffer.

But what if our allergies are the lighpost on the path of our personal evolution, to some soul healing, and to happier living?

Allergies need to be addressed from different angles— lifestyle, medicine or herbs, diet, hygiene–but there is another angle that is absolutely not recognized—and it has to do with our world view and how we relate to the world. The great thing about this entry gate is that it’s really simple, no cost, and it’s  just a choice away!

Fresh Squeezed! is about peeling away the layers of emotions, congested energy, mucous, and inflammation to get to the heart of our true essence— so that our natural, vital, juicy core of who we really are can shine through and carry us through this life.  It’s about truly breaking down walls, reducing reactivity and allergies, and living as our true selves in a free, peaceful, and renewed way. I created Fresh Squeezed!  because I want anyone who is interested to access all entry points to reduce their allergy suffering and increase their enjoyment of life.

So, if you would like to take the edge off your allergies and support your own health and happiness without adding any medications or fancy treatments within 1 day, try Fresh Squeezed!  and give yourself a chance right now.

Buy Fresh Squeezed Now for Only $22

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“Thank you, Nathalie. You are a born teacher –Guru, somebody who is so effective in reminding folks like me that there is a higher, more important realm above the nitty-gritty routine of life that tends to suck us in and hold us down.”
Leila S.

Fresh Squeezed is a video workshop

Fresh Squeezed! Mind Heart and Soul Awakening for Allergy Relief Now  is a video workshop designed to help people with allergies transform 3 personality patterns to reduce allergy symptoms and have long lasting change within 3 days.

Right now you might be getting along fine or struggling with your allergies, but not really thinking there’s anything to do about them other than take the medications or watch your diet.

Imagine if you did this workshop and all of a sudden your allergies were reduced by a certain amount for THE LONG HAUL.  And imagine if you learned how to calm your allergies down anytime you choose within a few minutes of the Qi Master Breathing Technique for Immediate Sinus Relief?

Buy Fresh Squeezed Now for Only $22

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Hi! I’m Nathalie Babazadeh,

a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist, cofounder of Artemis Therapeutics LLC, and formulator of Lucidia all natural allergy relief. I have given thousands of healing sessions over the past 20 years helping people evolve into their best selves,  experience deep healing, minimize dependence on medications, and address a vast array of health concerns.  I absolutely love it when a solution to a problem goes beyond the problem itself and has even broader benefits–such as immune enhancement and more joy as side effects.  I am a mother of 2 and can proudly say that in a combined 25 years of raising children (a wild 8 year old boy and a 17 year old young woman) we have never had to go to the emergency room or take antibiotics —not that we’re against it—it just has not yet come to that!  I attribute this to very good luck and also to the side benefits of these practices and teachings that I bring to you.

While I now only have moderate hay fever a few weeks out of the year, I used to be miserable from allergies most of the time. I truly do get to feel Fresh Squeezed–like the fresh and vital essence of the real me shining through without the thick walls, blankets and mucous fogging me out from the rest of the world.

What I learned in my lifelong interest in herbal medicine and in the bigger picture of the healing arts is that healing work  takes effect far beyond our own bodies.  Effects of healing permeate not only our bodies and physical health, but our spiritual well being, our relationships, our parents and children (our lineage before and after us), our communities, homes, environment, businesses, and planet.  It’s absolutely the coolest thing that I’ve ever experienced, and as a healer, I get to witness and be a part of it every day, over and over again!

I created Fresh Squeezed!  because I want people to have FULL access to ALL the things that can help them with allergies and health, especially the ones that are untapped, not recognized, non invasive, simple, doable, and in alignment with a higher level of  total health and well being.

My goal is that we humans continue to level up and evolve into the better and better versions of ourselves and experience the magic that is right within us and around us, at any time we choose.  I want people to experience that the  healing offerings of the Universe are infinite, and that what is handed to us off the shelf  is very unique to us, and we benefit in a totally efficient, no-harm, awe-inspiring, exquisite, soul healing way.

What will I get when I  purchase Fresh Squeezed!  Mind Heart and Soul Awakening for Allergy Relief Now?

When you purchase you will have immediate access to:

The Fresh Squeezed! Workshop itself–an hour and half long workshop to identify and transform the 3 Consciousness Patterns that contribute to internal pressure in the vascular system in the head and face for allergy sufferers.

A Soul Integration Self Healing Experience— a 15 minute guided energy practice at the end of the workshop for deep healing to release trapped grief in the organs (which weeps out through allergies) and to heal the heart and recover joy, health, and vitality (to refresh the body’s natural energy and immune resilience) through soul energy recovery.

The Qi Master Breathing Technique for Immediate Allergy Relief— a breathing technique that I developed to regulate your own physiology and calm down symptoms in the moment– in the car, in bed, wherever you are.

Organ Rejuvenation Qi Gong–a simple visualization practice to gently cleanse and rejuvenate the organs for optimal function and health that I created to support the consciousness, soul, and allergy work that you are doing in Fresh Squeezed!–so you can be and feel as fresh and vital as Fresh Squeezed orange juice!

Buy Fresh Squeezed Now for Only $22

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“Nathalie is a true healer. I feel more balance in my body and able to face any challenges in my life. She intuitively brings it all together and working with her has facilitated changes in me that have been incredibly valuable and life changing. “
Jason R.


How will changing my attitude affect my allergies?  

When you identify and transform 1 or all 3 of the most common personality patterns I have seen in people who suffer from allergies, your Internal Response System will recalibrate, and the vascular system in the head, neck, and face will not be under constant pressure,  flood, and inflammation.  Chronic low grade (and unnoticeable)  reactivity to life circumstances  will reduce or stop. The body and organs will not accumulate with emotional and physical debris that ends up overflowing through the sinuses, eyes, nose, and lungs.  More obvious examples of emotional response causing a physical response of swelling and flooding in the head and face include a flushed face from embarrassment, tears or lump in the throat from upsetting news, or laughter. These are physiological responses to intangible (non physical) events. This upward flood to the face and vascular constriction in the organs and neck is happening chronically–just low grade and less immediately noticeable–when we are living with these certain patterns, beliefs, or “operating system.” This chronic low grade response affects all the systems in the body and affects heart health, immune resilience, hormone balance, adrenal and liver function, and pain. In people with allergies, it will manifest as more frequent and more severe symptoms, in addition to possible other patterns.

What are the 3 Patterns?

The 3 patterns are 3 different mindsets, belief systems, or worldviews that we hold as a result of certain family patterns, early attachment setup, cultural conditioning, or childhood trauma/ pain. They are like having old code in our consciousness, which cascades through all physiological functions AND through all aspects of our lives–relationships, work, spiritual, and creative. So, when we recode the consciousness, everything refreshes and updates–physiology and outward aspects of our lives.  The re-coding is so simple– it’s a matter of choosing and trying it out.  You don’t need to believe me.  You will experience it for yourself.  In addition, the Soul Integration Experience at the end of the workshop will seal the deal, so your personal transition can take full effect.

Can this be used for children with allergies?

This program is specifically for ADULTS with allergies.  Teens can also benefit.  Children with allergies is a different  workshop; however, if you have children and they have allergies, your decision to do this transformative healing work on yourself (even if you do not have allergies, but you feel drawn to it) will benefit your children.  The  workshop for children with allergies is not yet created, but to give you an idea of what is going on,  it has to do with this:

Balance in the household–this means that somewhere in the household there is an issue with balance of power, balance of workload, or balance of emotional energy holding. It can also have to do with family lineage patterns—energy that is continuing its resolution from a difficult family history is coming down the pipeline and landing in the parents and children. The weight of this goes into the child, and floods out of the child through the lungs, nose, eyes, and skin.  The most basic things I can suggest for you to do here are:

  1. Notice if you have this imbalance and lovingly connect with the other parent to find a solution towards balance
  2.   create peaceful rhythms or routines in the home–predictability, ease, enjoyment.  So things aren’t sloshing around everywhere as a result of the imbalance
  3. Acknowledge any hardship history of the family such as immigration, alcoholism, war, big injustice. Acknowledgement with respect can help the natural resolution flow more easily, and deposit somewhere other than in the household–such as be sent back to Spirit, or to be taken by the land where you live, or where you are from.

How long is the workshop and how long will it take until I notice a change in my allergies?

The workshop is 1 ½ hours long. The Soul Integration Experience is at the end of it.  If you are having symptoms during the workshop, it’s possible that  symptoms will subside after the energy healing, and reduce frequency and severity from thereon out if you are open and willing to go into the work.  You will learn a short meditation that within a week of practice, that will teach you to self regulate and reduce symptoms within a few minutes anytime you choose.  After the workshop, I suggest that you stay connected to the “new code” for at least 3 weekes until it fully integrates.  During this time of change, notice if you have less frequency or severity, or as in my case, my lifelong allergy to cats completely resolved itself.

What is the Soul Integration Experience?

The Soul Integration Experience is a shamanic soul recovery energy healing that I created for you–the people who join this program with a sincere intention to get some extra help from the unseen world. It’s really easy to do–all you have to do is lie down, relax, and listen. You can use it a few times or as often as you like.  It is a direct way to cultivate self love and unconditional love for our world, and to heal  minor to deep childhood trauma if necessary. The root of all 3 of  the patterns is a matter of self love.  Even if there is no childhood trauma, the deep healing of soul integration will ignite our natural vital energies,  affect the vascular response, possibly leading to reduced allergy symptoms, improved vascular circulation and heart health, and of course more energy and connected and joyful living.

Can I get off my medications if I do this workshop?

If your goal is to get off your allergy medications, this workshop is definitely one big step toward that.  You will have to see how you respond and what is most important for your body to address. Allergies need to be addressed from different angles–exposure to allergens, diet, lifestyle, medicines, emotions, and deep healing.  This workshop is about the last two. If you feel drawn to try to replace or reduce your medication and use an all natural alternative to allergy medications, you can see if Lucidia is appropriate for you.

Will this workshop affect other aspects of my health or life?

Yes!  Because it’s addressing the internal response system, the vascular, nervous, and immune systems will be strongly affected.  I have people who tell me that their high blood pressure is lower and that the Qi Master Breathing Technique lowers their blood pressure. You can expect more energy and happiness and a more resilient immune system.

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Who is this for?

Who are the people who get the most out of this workshop?

  1. People who are looking for a holistic way to address their allergies, and who may be aware that allergies are not just something to be shoved off to the side with meds and ignored, rather looking for a way to get to the root of the problem and provide the body and immune system the support it really needs.
  2. People who have no problem taking medication, but just need more relief. You’ve tried everything and take meds daily, maybe you are even disciplined enough to endure a gluten free or elimination diet, but you still suffer a lot from allergies and you need something more. You are curious and open to unconventional but simple common sense health modalities.
  3. Parents of children who have allergies and want to transform their own emotional underpinnings that can lead to allergies in children.
  4. Anyone interested in more deeply understanding how the body works and in blossoming into higher consciousness for peace, health, and more meaningful life experience.

How does this work?

  1. Buy Fresh Squeezed! Awakening for Allergy relief by clicking this button here.
  2. Check your email and you will have immediate access to the workshop to start whenever you want.  Give yourself some special time to give the workshop your full attention and the time you need to complete it and relax a bit afterward–maybe 2 hours.
  3. Over the next few weeks, listen to the guided self healing practices and the meditation as you like.
  4. Let me know how it goes for you, and what you notice!  Also feel free to send me any feedback or suggestions so I can continue to improve it!

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“Fresh Squeezed is a profound workshop and it has given me a new perspective on my allergies that I had never realized, in all my years of meditation and holistic healing.”
Jonathan S.

Refund Policy

I hope you love this workshop as much as I do.

If for any reason you’re not completely satisfied after getting through the lessons, send me an email within 30 days after purchasing and I’ll issue a full refund.

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Imagine where you could be in one week from now–

Imagine if your allergies were less problematic and continuing to be less frequent and less severe over time

Imagine if you could cut your meds in half and do a few minutes of breathwork to calm your symptoms on demand?

Imagine feeling lighter and having more ease–in life and relationships?

Imagine being a whole new and better version of yourself– just being your true self, without emotional baggage dragging you down and congesting your head and face….

Now is the time to take action.  It’s right here right now and will cost you so little in time, money and energy, and save you so much in all of those over the long run.

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